Research laboratory in Industrial Safety Engineering and Sustainable Development
The Laboratory for Industrial Safety Engineering and Sustainable Development was created in 2014 by a team of research professors from the Institute of Maintenance and Industrial Safety of the University of Oran2 to associate research conducted in the fields of industrial safety and those of ecology and sustainable development.

The LISIDD scientific project is therefore part of the field which dealing with the problem of industrial, technological and natural risk, the development of industrial safety engineering and that of process safety, the integration the dimension of sustainable development and the environment by using renewable energies and new energies with highly developed scientific concepts.

Its three missions: teaching, scientific research and industrial valorization, are closely integrated to achieve these major objectives, the themes of the teams are developed in harmony with the formations that take place at the industrial safety and industrial engineering departments of the Institute of Maintenance and Industrial Safety.

The laboratory's research activities benefit from both an academic anchor and a strong industrial partnership that allows the models to be evaluated in an operational context. Partnership research is an important vehicle for modernity and competitiveness.

Multidisciplinary, like the strategy of its appointment, the LISIDD team mainly uses engineering sciences as well as human and social sciences.

The main areas of the LISIDD laboratory are :

1. Process Safety Relating to Thermal and Pressure Risks "PSRTPR"
2. Intelligent Security Systems "ISS"
3. Technological Developments and Environment "TDE"
4. Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development "EESD"
5. Management, Treatment, and Recycling of Solid Waste “MTRSW".

Pr. Zoubida Lounis

Head of LISIDD laboratory
Email: [email protected]


[Contact picture]

Research laboratory in Industrial Safety Engineering and Sustainable Development

Institute of Maintenance and Industrial Safety

University of Oran2 Mohamed ben Ahmed

Curriculum vitae